Friday 6 August 2010

Only in America........Thankfully.

Every now and then you hear a story that makes you check that April didn't sneakily dawn upon you during the night. Today was one of those days. A US appeals court has ruled a couple who gave their children Nazi-inspired names should not regain custody, citing the risk of serious injury to them.

Adolf Hitler Campbell, 4, and his sisters, JoyceLynn Aryan Nation, 3, and Honszlynn Hinler Jeannie, 2, were taken from their New Jersey home in 2009. Michael McIntyre jokes about calling his son Adolf just to see peoples reaction, this couple only went and did it. I mean if you where to call your son Adolf it's inadvisable at best but essentially Adolf is just name. A name of a chap who got a bit gnarly in the 30's and there was some kind of tension, I'm not entirely sure of the whole to-do but that's the basic gist as far as my GCSE education carries me. But to name him Adolf Hitler Campbell, presumably after Alistair Campbell as they thought that just Adolf Hitler on it's own didn't carry enough menace, is clearly taking the biscuit, the barrel and the whole Burton's factory. O.k we accept that some people in the world have extreme right wing views and because we live in a free thinking and democratic nation we allow these people to have a voice so that there insane rantings and racist, homophobic and  anti Semitic beliefs are shown up for what they are......wrong. By not letting them have that voice we drive the problem underground making it more attractive to those unhinged few in society that like a good ethnic cleanse.

The children's parents may be the best Mum and Dad in the whole fatherland world but they have damaged the children having any kind of normal childhood by insisting on calling them these names. How can poor Adolf survive school with a name associated with hatred. Just listening to the register would be haunting. The poor might wouldn't be able to raise his hand to answer a question without people thinking he was making the Nazi salute. If he joined the debating team it might end up like Nuremberg. Then how would he get a date for the prom? He'd be all dressed up in his finest suit, brown presumably, with nowhere to go. What's he going to do for a living when he leaves school? Gas Engineer? Adolf Hitler Campbell, Corgi registered on the side of a van. Doctor? Not really. Politician? Unwise. He's not going to have an easy life because his folks are mental, a bit more mental than all of ours.

 Right I'm of out with my boys, Genghis and Herod, to check out a new oven. (Cooking Oven)

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