Thursday 5 August 2010

It's all been done.

The world is running out of new ideas. This can be the only explanation for it. The A Team is the latest offering from the people who regurgitated the Karate Kid, Batman, Transformers and the everything else seen on our screens over the last twelve months. As a race we seem to be completely devoid of creating anything truly original, so "I pity the fool" and the gang are rolled out like the emperors new clothes. I mean are these remakes actually any good or are they just available. I understand that you can now add to the experience with special effects, CGI and the like but what's new? What is remaking Karate Kid for apart from making money? No special effects to speak of, you can't tell me you need green screen technology to wax on or wax off. In some cases they have remade films twice in quick succession like The Incredible Hulk. The Eric Bana version was poor but the Edward Norton movie was pointless, you'd just made the film so lets leave it a while hey before we ruin another franchise again. That's the key, lots of these movies are franchises. Franchises give us lots of things, great coffee, flamed grilled burgers, an extra free pizza on a Tuesday but mainly the comfort of knowing what is to come. That's not what i want from my films! It's a film not a meatball maronara sub! If this is the case put on what ever the highest grossing film of all time every week. Walk into your local cinema like you do your local Chinese and see what's on the menu. Talk to your loving partner and decide to have the same as you always have because you know it's nice. "Let's watch Titanic again like last week sweetie, maybe this time the iceberg will float right by."

This wouldn't be made all the more grating if at the start of every film the distributor tells you......Piracy is copyright theft! You wouldn't steal a handbag? No, no i wouldn't but then again I wouldn't steal the whole idea of a film and palm it off as something new.

In the age of the Internet everyone is writing, creating, thinking and formulating all the time. Some of this must be good, obviously most of it is complete bollocks with a big fat wedge of voyeurism but some of it will be good and a little less will be original and brilliant. The original and brilliant is what I want to see not 'Harry Potter and the over exhausted plot' or the possibly terrifying remake of Police Academy.

Embrace the new! Creativity is king! Worst case scenario read a book, there are billions of great books that have yet to be tainted by the evil stain of Hollywood.

Right, I'm off to steal a handbag.....

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