Sunday 8 August 2010

If you can't stand the heat, DON'T GO IN THE HEAT!

The world of competition Sauna, yes people Sauna, is mourning today. The world sauna championships held in Heinola Finland ended in tragedy on Saturday as Russian hopeful Vladimir Ladyzhensky (left) died in the final.

Little did he know when he packed his sports bag that morning with his towel and tiny Speedo swimming trunks that that days spa would be his last. Vladimir, an amateur wrestler by day, collapsed after six minutes of the final with reigning world champion, Timo Kaukonen, also being rescued from the 'Timber Room of Terror'. 1000 stunned spectators, Sauna fans presumably, watched in horror as the two men where worked upon by the emergency services after they had been exposed to searing temperatures reaching 110°C. Ladyzhensky died at the scene whilst Kaukonen is still recovering in hospital. A spokesman for the city of Heinola, where the nationally televised event has been held since 1999, said it would never be staged again. This year 135 male and female competitors from 15 countries took part. Vladimir will be held in high a steam esteem like other great sportsmen and women who have died doing the sport they love.

Is Finland trying to mask it's alarming suicide rates? Are we allowed to do things that are blatantly stupid. If you or I had see this going on at our local gym, or leisure centre for those of you who like to smell poorer peoples sweat, I'd like to think we would stop it before someone gets hurt. Or I think we may have mentioned it in passing to the 19 year old lad in white trainers, navy shorts and red polo shirt who armed with his I.D badge may dispense the nonsensical crowd of steam freaks with a loud blast of his 'I'm the responsible person here because I have this whistle' whistle. What next, The how long can you leave your face over a boiling kettle matchplay brought to you by Tefal or How many fingers can you put in a socket before your heart fails invitational sponsored by Powergen. I know all sport is somewhat pointless as being a Tranmere Rovers supporter I'm reminded of this on a daily basis but this is just mental! This was on television! What are we trying to prove as human beings? I'm the first to believe that if stupid people feel the need to endanger their lives and thus improve the intellectual concentration of the worlds gene pool then fine but this is just wrong, even the haircuts are offensive! Why can't these people volunteer for human drug trials if they plan on potentially damaging themselves and give something back to society and the human race.

This on the same day as Dr.Karen Woo was a number of people killed in Afghanistan. Karen was working with a Christian charity, providing healthcare in remote villages in the north-east of Afghanistan.

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