Thursday 26 August 2010

Clotted Scream

Right people I've just heard some of the most ridiculous racism ever. Whilst listening to radio five live, Nicky Campbell, on a call in about immigration a caller from Cornwall said:

"It's the immigrants taking the minor jobs that is driving up the house prices in Cornwall making it difficult for the people born in Cornwall to buy houses. My son is eighteen and he has been unable to get a job in a bar or restaurant or even stacking shelves because people from eastern Europe have taken all the jobs."

I love a screaming generalisations, all scousers are thieves, all men from Brighton are gay, all welsh people shag sheep etc, but what I heard from the this caller almost made me fall from my high horse.

Cornwall I believe to be the most boring place in the whole of the British isles bar none. Even when you drive to Scotland you see the Scotland sign and then Scottish places begin to appear in front of you. You have numerous places to visit and it's very Scottish. Cornwall you drive for hours to get there then drive for hours more to get to anything. The drive itself takes twice as long because because you almost certainly get stuck behind a VW camper with a bumper sticker 'Air cooled rules'. No, air cooled means slow, if your having a crap day in work when the day is dragging even though you been for a chat to other people in the office made drinks for everyone and hidden in the toilets just for something to do and someone asks you how your day is going reply, air cooled. If not a camper then a caravan, ridicule for caravans is copyrighted by Top Gear, the most repetitive programme (Clarksonesque) the world!


So you've finally got their and your starting to worry about where you are going to buy petrol for the return journey when you suddenly can't surf! Body boarding was a way of surf board manufacturers to make revenue from fat people or those with poor balance once they realised that they can't surf. The whole of Cornwall is pretty much tourism it's not industrialised at all. All they make is clotted cream, fudge and pasties. None of which you can eat if you want to fit in that wet suit you bought because you can't go in the sea because the water is so cold your testicles have retracted into you lungs and it's affected you breathing. So being a tourist area the jobs are all in hospitality. The Brits don't do hospitality, we are rubbish at it, so surely it's better to get foreign people to do it so that we at least get good service if we have to stay in this hell hole at the back of oblivion or just past Yeovil as it's known. The others jobs are service jobs, cleaning hotel rooms and making beds etc. Not really something you associate with 18 year old boys really is it and they just wouldn't do it.

The reason why houses prices are high is because the rich of the rest of Britain thought that it might be nice to buy a house somewhere that justified getting there by helicopter, mainly because the drive took an eternity! So all the best properties that aren't hotels are owned by people from London wanting to get away from the hustle and bustle of civilisation, and the house prices grew as it became a more desirable place to live. The problem is that lazy dole scrounging people are unable to move from there council properties and move to where the work is. The world is smaller now than it has ever been but moving to where you could be needed is harder than it has ever been. 3o years ago my father moved from the north west to south wales because the labour market had collapsed and jobs on Merseyside where hard to come by. SO WE MOVED! I don't think he really wanted to move, I don't think my mum really wanted to move but that was what he had to do to find work. Now he drives nearly an hour a day to get to work, he does it because that's what he needs to do to support his family and have an occupation. A hundred odd years ago people moved from all over the country to Merthyr because it was the industrial capital of the world at the time. Back then you needed a job or you starved so you moved, now your dole will cover you food, drink, fags, sky+,dental work and foreign holidays so your better off lowering you golf handicap than getting of you clotted cream, fudge and pastie arse. You aren't allowed to swap your council house to other areas of the country and yes this is a problem but again people have done it, the person with a job could go first and wait several months before the rest of the family come to the area, yes it will be difficult but ultimately worth it in the end.

We must stop this endless attack on people who are doing what we all did once which was move to where the work is. the people who have the problem with immigration are the people who are causing it. If people where prepared to do the work that people from Poland or wherever will do then they wouldn't come here because there wouldn't be any jobs, they would be taken by the people who live here already. Also our emigration massively exceeds our immigration this is proven by the fact that i have never been to a Polish theme bar in Ireland, or Spain or Greece or every country in the world.

Wagons east Cornwall, wagons east! 

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